Week 2
In the last week I have come up with these three questions and the way I want to present them.
I chose the first question because I love cats. So I want to do something for stray cats. Promote the TNR program so that stray cats and people can live in harmony.
1.Stray Cat TNR program
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It is a kind act for a caring person to feed a stray cat. But simply feeding food can not fundamentally solve the problem of stray cats. Stray cats will continue to breed and their numbers will continue to rise. The TNR program can effectively control the number of stray cats.
Solve the problem of stray cats in each community . Reduce the number of stray cats.
2. Stop Stay up late
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People know that staying up late is bad for their health, but they still choose to stay up late because of work or homework. Only when the body has problems because of staying up late will people really pay attention.
Let people realize the harm of staying up late
Staying up late is a bad habit that harms our health.
The amount of time the phone is used at night affects the data in the app
3. Driving test simulation
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There are two tests in the driving test that require practice on the car. Use the simulator to consolidate knowledge on your phone.